A History Of The 1948 NASCAR Season In Pictures

Robert Mitchell
11 years ago
327 posts

I've always had a fascination with the early years of stock car racing and love to do research on the subject when I can find the time. Not a lot of info is out there for those interested so I put together this condensed history of the inaugural 1948 NASCAR season after finding aerials of all 20 tracks. Not all of the car, driver, and action photos are exactly from 1948 since it's difficult to date these photos and 1948 photos are rare, so I got as close as I could, give or take a year or two.

Hope you enjoy it!

View here - https://imgur.com/a/zXsMj

updated by @robert-mitchell: 12/05/16 04:08:38PM
Dave Fulton
11 years ago
9,137 posts

That is a really nice piece, Robert and ought to be a must read / must see for any student of NASCAR history and its inaugural year of 1948.

"Any Day is Good for Stock Car Racing"
Robert Mitchell
11 years ago
327 posts

I appreciate that, Dave. I'm now going to do something similar for the 1947 NCSCC season. It's already a challenge finding every track and race date, but that's part of the fun of it.

Jim Streeter
11 years ago
242 posts

I saw my first Stock Car Race at Hillsboro 1948.

I drove my first Amateur race at Danville.

Idrove at least once on many of these tracks.

I was young, crazy and broke.

Some of the best times of my life!

Andy DeNardi
11 years ago
365 posts

I enjoyed this series. I'm not very interested in NASCAR before 1952 or so, but it was helpful to see the schedule and pictures of all the tracks they ran on.

Sandeep Banerjee
11 years ago
360 posts

Thanks, this is really nice. I love that period of the sport. Real raw racing.