"This ain't NASCAR!" One person commented on when asked their opinion of time trials at local race tracks. What ever happened to heat races? When did it become so serious that almost every class of racing, save the Ucar and Youngun classes, have to have time trials? Time trials take 2-3 hours to complete, they're boring to the fans, and is the sole reason that it takes soooo long for the local race track to finish before 2am. Talking to some old timers they always count their wins, to include heat races. It was good for racing back then, it's good for racing now - bring back heat races to local racing!!!
I've won one race in my short career and that was a heat race and I'm darn proud of it. Like Ricky Bobby says "2nd place is the first loser!" End time trials, lets get back to racing - THIS AIN'T NASCAR!
updated by @jim-wilmore: 01/07/17 09:13:44PM