Need your input

Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
A little over a year ago we responded to many requests to add RacersReunion communities for other forms of racing...Drag racing, Open wheel, Motorcycle, Road, Off Road, Dirt racing, Boat Racing, and Show cars were added to the family.
The Drag Racing site has taken off really well and is here to stay, while all others are barely being used. I am considering removing the Open wheel, Dirt, Boat Racing, Road Racing, Off road, Motorcycle, and Show Car sites...and asking members to consolidate there content from Open Wheel and Dirt Racing into this site. The reason for this is purely economics. The cost of maintaining these sites is increasing and usage is minimal.

This is an easy decision for the Boat, Off Road, Road, and Motorcycle sites. These sites are rarely visited...though they all contain some great content.

The latest addition...Dirt RacersReunion shows some promise...but I wonder if we would be better off just combining all of it here.

It was your comments that prompted the addition of these sites....I would like your comments about their future.


Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®

updated by @jeff-gilder: 12/05/16 04:02:07PM
Jimmy Palmer
15 years ago
1 posts
Drop em. Jim Palmer
Pete Banchoff
15 years ago
279 posts
I think it's a good idea to consolidate, Jeff. A lot of pictures that should be on the other sites are put on Stock Car RR anyway. It might also help with the State Racing Heritage pages to include everything. I'm putting some Supermodified stuff up because it's such a big part of Michigan's Racing Heritage, even though it's on Stock Car Racers Reunion. If it helps consolidate your time and makes sense economically I'd go for it.Pete
Patrick Reynolds
15 years ago
251 posts
Consolidate the sites. But can you move the content? I am sure the material that is on there is valuable and liked. If the content/photos was not eliminated but simply moved to a site where it can still be enjoyed and makes sense for you to upkeep then that is what I think sounds good. I am not a member of all the sites but I do enjoy different motorsport forms.
GridGearRacing, Inc.
15 years ago
1 posts
Good Morning,We would love to give our input! Being in the racing industry, and have marketed all my life I would have to say to place a drop box at the top as you have, and letting the person have a choice of the type of racing the person my want to view and just update this page as much as you can! If things change then go back to the original plan, but this gives them some info thus allowing them to see all areas at a click of a mouse! But you must do what is cost-effectively.Thanks,GridGearRacing
Jay Coker
15 years ago
177 posts
Jeff-Is there a way to give them each a section at the top of the page where you have your other tabs (i.e.- make a header that says "Other Series, then allow a drop down box to pick what series page you want to visit?")Just a thought...because I know on HSCR (which I help mod), we have special sections for IROC, ASA, ARCA, Open Wheel, etc. I know they do the same over at TBK as well. While I absolutely think there's a place for those forums, it's also pointless to keep them running independently if the site traffic doesn't support it.
Harlow Reynolds
15 years ago
214 posts
The one,s that are never look at is easy to remove. If the rating are not there. Drop them.This is the greatest racing site on the web.ThanksHarlow ReynoldsLynchburg,Va.
Jack Carter
15 years ago
9 posts
Jeff "you have to do What you have to do to" survive in this economy ! So if dropping those sites helps RacersReunion continue that is what you have to do.
Butch Barker
15 years ago
1 posts
This site has become a home-base and an extended family to thousands of racers everywhere. We can continue to share memories of people,times,and places that many of us had feared would soon be forgotten. Combining a few categories will only cost us a few minutes of our time. Thats a small price to pay for the enjoyment and fellowship that this site provides us. The economy is limiting our involvement in racing on all levels everyday. Let's not let this site and our memories become it's next victim. Combine the categories, real racers are tough and they can handle it. If we didn't have a few minutes to spare, we wouldn't be here in the first place.
David Bentley
15 years ago
9 posts
Jeff,You've got a great site here, I'm a fan of the historic side of stock car racing and this site is the best going for that, so I hope you'll be able to keep that theme intact. It's difficult to be everything to everybody and since there are other sites for Boats, Motorcycles, Open Wheel (sprints & midgets), etc. I think keeping this site as primarily a historic stock car site is the way to go. I like the fact that I can search a driver's name on your site and see photos of him or her from the first old modified coupe they may have driven on a dirt or asphalt bull ring to their last ride in Cup car or at Indianapolis. Another great part of this site is all of the car owners, mechanics and crew people that are recognized here as well. I'm sure you'll get it right with whatever you do.Thanks!David Bentley
carl smith
15 years ago
1 posts
I think Dirt should be continued. Dirt has always been the "Base" of stock car racing. To take that away would be like taking away the first chapter of a good novel! However....... boats, motorcycles and off road never had anything to do with stock car racing anyway. And neither does Drag racing!
Mitchell Harris
15 years ago
1 posts
Consolidate the dirt here, there's dirt racing here now... drop the rest
Roger Jewell
15 years ago
7 posts
Just my opinion but I think the boats, show cars, drag racing ain't stock car racing and shouldn't be included or merged with the stock car groups.
John R Smith
15 years ago
2 posts
I feel that the site should be focused on stock car racing, both dirt and asphalt, especially from historical standpoints. Most asphalt short tracks were dirt to start with. Martinsville, Callaway, Hickory, etc. (I think Sprint Cup should have to do a Springfield Mile once each year) I am a Martinsville native and resident so I'll be up front. I am biased towards southern short track racing, be it stock cars, modifieds, etc. I'll usually go somewhere on Saturdays like Bowman-Gray.Now, I feel that whatever needs to be done for economic reasons. should be done. I do feel though, that this site should be limited to stock car racing especially from a historical standpoint. We owe it to those made this sport what it is today. As far a open wheel, drag racing, motorcycles, etc, they should probably be moved out. The open wheel that should be kept would be modifieds.Whereas I am from Henry County, you might add a section to cover liquor cars.
John Calvaresi
15 years ago
1 posts
Hey Buddy,I don't see any reason why you couldn't just call the entire site Racers Reunion.Com and cover all forms of racing under the one name. If you're not getting enough traffic on the others, there should be no problem whatsoever. I'd move my open wheel pics over here in a heartbeat....My 2 cents...JCC
Bobby Williamson
15 years ago
907 posts
Jeff, dirt can be consolidated with the stock car forum, easily. No problem. I know there's lots of 'Cup interest, but I think the site should still focus on the pre-1990 era. There's lots of 'modern' 'Cup sites already. Boats, road racing, etc. can be dropped.
Jim Streeter
15 years ago
242 posts
Drop the Boats! I think I'm one of the few Members of the APBA on Racers Reunion.
Tim Leeming
15 years ago
3,119 posts
Drag racing is definitely a "stand alone" site. Open wheel and dirt track can be incorporated right here on Stock Car racing. As for the others, if there isn't sufficient support, then closing them out is the most appropriate option. This is a personal opinion and certainly not based on any "business sense".Tim

What a change! It's been awhile since I've checked in and I'm quite surprised. It may take me awhile to figure it our but first look it's really great.

John R Smith
15 years ago
2 posts
I agree about pre-1990. The Cup world is so commercialized that, as a long time member of Glen Woods crew told me several years ago, the "race" is about #5 on the NASCAR priority list of any given race weekend. The main priority is the weekend "event" itself. That was several years ago. Now look what you have. Michael Waltrip doing an "American idol" type show. NASCAR cooking shows, game shows, what's next. Scott, the OFFICIAL toilet paper of NASCAR. "After your favorite driver rolls it at Daytona, he reaches for the OFFICIAL roll of NASCAR. Scott."
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Well if you going to shake up a hen house then do it right I say.The road course and the off road are unique in their own way,maybe putting that together in one heading.The open wheel and dirt racers reunion are to close in comparison so they could be joined with no problem.the show car guys are in a world of their own I think,they dont like dirt and dust but sure shine when they get set up,and are a drawing crowd pleaser when viewed with other shows, So if you put the show cars and the boats together would that work?? this is my point of view to the site---I love all them but as you said we are divided . If a all out ask for either a pronounced increase in site use in the slack areas doesnt produce enough traffic to warrent continuation of each one then the last resort is to either combine or delete. Man thats a hard call to make from any aspect. I will uphold your decision
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
Thanks very much for your input. Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, the Drag Racing site will definitely remain as a stand alone site. That site gets a ton of traffic and contribution and hosts one of our top talk radio shows, the Sam Auxier Jr. Show.I agree that the Dirt Racing site could easily be consolidated here....just wasn't sure about Open Wheel. I think the Off Road, Road Racing, Motorcycle, Boats, and Show Cars probably need to go....I hate losing all those great pics....especially on the Show Car site....and I don't want to mix them with racing pics.I also agree that we should focus on early 1990's and back. That has been the goal from day one...sometimes difficult to manage.Pete, your right...the State Racing Heritage pages are another great place to contribute historical pics ands facts.John, We started out as, purely a stock car racing history site.....then added the other sites after many requests. The only other site that has really worked is the Drag Racing site. If I were able to separate photos by type/series I would do that in a heartbeat and have it all under one domain. But as of right now I do not have that capability with this platform.Again, thanks very much for all your input. We probably will not do anything for a couple of months....just trying to decide what is best for the future.

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Darwin Doll
15 years ago
4 posts
Put dirt track and open wheel together into this site. They both turn left. Some of the best racers to ever compete were from these areas including Tommy Hinnershitz, Lynn Paxton, etc. There is a whole host of others.
robbie robinson
15 years ago
1 posts
jeff, keep the dirt racers, asphalt just gets you to a good dirt track race. the only good thing left in nascar is tony stewart ,and he loves dirt.
Billy & Barbara Scott
15 years ago
52 posts
Jeff, it is our opinion Racer Reunion and Dirt Racers Reunion be combined. After talking with several people who have joined RR, they don't even go over to check out the DRR. You can tell by the membership gain on DRR that it has no where near the members per week as does RR. It would also be better for the ones who try to stay in touch with new members. It appears Drag Raging is growing steadily. Just our view point. We know you will make the best decision for all concerned.God blesss,Billy and Barbara Scott
15 years ago
1 posts
I am a member of Stock Car Racers Reunion and just joined Boat Racers Reunion I hope you keep it. I have always liked boat racing as well as NASCAR
Curtis Rice
15 years ago
2 posts
I didn't even realize those sites were there!
Dave Redman
15 years ago
11 posts
I sort of hate to see the Road Racers Reunion site go away. I just posted about 60 photos from the recent Rolex GT and Continental races at Virginia International Raceway, and E-mailed the album link to about 40 of my friends . There were somewhere on the order of 25,000 people at this race- by far the most folks I have seen at a VIR event- a lot of potential viewers. Its too bad you couldn't have sent Jimmy Johnson (or someone like that) to that race weekend to promote the site like he did at the York US30 event last summer. But I have to admit, with only 30 members on that site, It is not likely to generate much, if any, advertising revenue. I fully understand if it has to go away. And on top of it all, I am more of a drag race fan anyhow.
Dennis Andrews
15 years ago
835 posts
Thanks for asking for our input. I understand the economics of keeping up rarely visited sites and will continue to support stock car RR what ever you do. I have only visited the dirt racers site once and had never visited the road racing site until today. Man there is some great stuff there! It sure would be a shame to loose it. I hope the post can be transfered to the stock car site if you close it. I have raced on dirt, asphalt and road courses and loved it all. All are different but it is all racing and I like racing. There aint nothing better than out braking someone into a corner or picking up the throttle a little bite quicker or getting your nose under that guy in front of you, especially if it is for first.Dennis Andrews
Jay Sellers
15 years ago
65 posts
I think a lot of racing that has nothing to do with stock car racing should be consolidated, or dropped.I'm really into horse racing, and I know that some of you think that's a bad example, I was going to say analogy but I can't spell it, but I think some of the racing on here just doesn't have enough following to support the cost of keeping them.I know my biker friends aren't going to like this, and some others too.
Mike Ray
15 years ago
41 posts
Dear Jeff,I post on Open Wheel in addition to R.R. but I also understand how cost affects everything we do.I would hate to lose the site but if enought people don't use it;I can understand the predicament you are in.Cost would have to play a part in your decision,it does in my life everyday.peace,out.Mike
Billy Kingsley
15 years ago
30 posts
Here's my main goal in life is to document every car that ever ran a Stricktly Stock/Grand National/Winston Cup/Nextel Cup/Sprint Cup race.I do look over the modified pictures that is what is mainly being posted here these days, but while they may be cool and certainly historic, they aren't my main interest.As such, this is the only Racer's Reunion site I visit on a regular basis, though I have looked at them all at least once.Here's what I think: Keep this one for stock cars, meaning full bodied cars WITH fenders...IE early Grand National, Winston Cup to the 90s, Busch from 82-90s, USAC, ARCA, ASA, etc. As well as the local tracks that ran cars with full fenders, I believe commonly known as Late Models.have one for Modifieds, which could cover most of the stuff on Dirt Racer's Reunion and most of the stuff being posted here now, including local tracks and the NASCAR Modified division up to and including 1981Drag racing seems to be doing well, although it isn't what I am into, it seems like it has the support to stay as is.Combine everything else into one other page called Other Racer's Reunion or something along those lines. They may not have enough each to support their own page, but maybe combining them all into one, they could be kept. Since they do have a lower traffic rate, somebody who is only into one form of racing should, in theory, not have to scroll through that much to find what they are looking for.Just my long as there is still some NASCAR history being posted on here, I will keep checking it!
15 years ago
37 posts
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts
Being as we have heard from mud buggies to row boats it seems as it would be in the sites greatest interest to move the dirt into Racers Reunion along with the open wheel guys because they cross pollinate real easy when around each other, As others have posted they may shed a tear or two but betcha they would quickly learn to co-habitat quickly.. Show and shine guys and gals get their kicks in parking lots on the weekends anyway so no harm no foul there.The only real threat that rose above the dust was them dang bootleggers with Elliott Ness looking for them.Now as I see it harmony is not to hard to find if you are a real lover of old shool racing,whether its on the icky black top or the fabulous tracks of gooey sticky clay. Both are winners here on R/R. So yall suck it up and copy your wares over there or forever be in cyber space looking for the pace car..----------------------------------memories
Billy & Barbara Scott
15 years ago
52 posts
Hi Jeff, while we commented on this before we still feel the same way; combine Dirt Racers Reunion and Stock Car Racers Reunion, as was the case "back in the day". One never asked if someone was a dirt track or asphalt track driver, you already knew if a driver got the opportunity, he drove either. Fans and media personnel just referred to them as "race drivers". NASCAR caused that to change, as a driver wanted to drive any track he had a car to run. That's when "Outlaw drivers and tracks" came into existance. Many NASCAR drivers would run non-NASCAR tracks under a ficticious name, and would have to pay a fine if caught (been there, done that) and the second time caught, one was suspended. The late 60S' saw many drivers leave NASCAR to particpate in as many races, at as many tracks, and as many nights/days as possible.Sure took us a long time to say what was already said in the first line of this comment combine the Dirt and Stock Car Racers Reunion.God bless and we love you all !!!!
Jack Anderson
15 years ago
4 posts
Hi Jeff.I ran a lot of Dirt and would to see it on here.Jack
Bobby Williamson
15 years ago
907 posts
Jeff, Dirt and Stock Racers Reunion could be combined. Don't see any problem.
Jerry Williams2
15 years ago
17 posts
Put the Dirt here and keep its content , drop the rest .
Jeff Gilder
15 years ago
1,784 posts
Since this post was originated back in May, I have discontinued the boat, motorcycle, off road, and road course sites. I then added a local racersreunion site for the folks that want to post photos of their street stocks, late models, mini stocks, etc. Still looking for the best solution, but for now I'm ok with what we have. I have considered combining the dirt site with the stock car site, but I like what is happening with that site for now.thanks for all your input!Jeff

Founder/Creator - RacersReunion®
Johnny Mallonee
15 years ago
3,259 posts

So we still get to side and play---Correct??!!
Jeff Gilder said:
Since this post was originated back in May, I have discontinued the boat, motorcycle, off road, and road course sites. I then added a local racersreunion site for the folks that want to post photos of their street stocks, late models, mini stocks, etc. Still looking for the best solution, but for now I'm ok with what we have. I have considered combining the dirt site with the stock car site, but I like what is happening with that site for now.
thanks for all your input!
15 years ago
91 posts
Leave it to me to be late off the starting line .. LOL .. but, I can put some more percentage in the tank and still beat ya!!!!

As y'all know, I've been around drag racing for more than 40 years. Having made friends with many of you, I understand the feelings that nothing should be cut or only those that have had little interest. I also understand the economy (to a certain extent). With that being said, the bottom line is, we're all racers in one form or another .. the key word is RACER. A racer needs places like Racers Reunion where everyone comes together as one. If not for the little guy who started on the back roads haulin' shine or the high schooler who said meet me on the McKees Rocks bridge .. who knows if racing would be what it is today (whether we like it or not).

Whatever it takes .. I'll stand behind Jeff, Dustin and all the guys who make these shows and sites work for the good of all those that came before us.
15 years ago
12 posts
I think the consolidating of the dirt site with this is an excellent idea! Growing up in Central New York where Glen Donnelly's Drivers Independent Race Tracks was founded, my first love is DIRT racing. You do an excellent job here already and I think there are many fans of both stock car and dirt racing that people won't mind if you combine the two. As far as the other sites, if people aren't visiting, I can't blame you for dropping them.
15 years ago
37 posts

Billy Kingsley said:
Here's my main goal in life is to document every car that ever ran a Stricktly Stock/Grand National/Winston Cup/Nextel Cup/Sprint Cup race.

I do look over the modified pictures that is what is mainly being posted here these days, but while they may be cool and certainly historic, they aren't my main interest.

As such, this is the only Racer's Reunion site I visit on a regular basis, though I have looked at them all at least once.

Here's what I think: Keep this one for stock cars, meaning full bodied cars WITH fenders...IE early Grand National, Winston Cup to the 90s, Busch from 82-90s, USAC, ARCA, ASA, etc. As well as the local tracks that ran cars with full fenders, I believe commonly known as Late Models.
have one for Modifieds, which could cover most of the stuff on Dirt Racer's Reunion and most of the stuff being posted here now, including local tracks and the NASCAR Modified division up to and including 1981
Drag racing seems to be doing well, although it isn't what I am into, it seems like it has the support to stay as is.
Combine everything else into one other page called Other Racer's Reunion or something along those lines. They may not have enough each to support their own page, but maybe combining them all into one, they could be kept. Since they do have a lower traffic rate, somebody who is only into one form of racing should, in theory, not have to scroll through that much to find what they are looking for.

Just my long as there is still some NASCAR history being posted on here, I will keep checking it!